
Debriefing helps increase resilience so that people can flourish in the environment in which they live and work. Whether as part of regular self-care, or following a critical incident, it can be helpful to reflect on the past in a way that helps us move into the future with greater freedom and clarity. If you've reached your limit in serving others, if you face a crossroads or major changes in your life, or simply if past disappointments, failures or anger are holding you back from pressing ahead, then a guided debrief might be helpful. Miranda is a certified debriefer with Le Rucher ministries, and follows their debriefing model with individuals, couples and groups. She also incorporates spiritual direction and guided processing using art-making. Get in touch to make a booking or to find out more.

Personal & team debriefing

Personal Debrief

A personal debrief is designed to create time and space in a person’s life so they can process their experiences and the impact these experiences are having on their relationship with themselves, God, their family and others, and help them come to a place of reconciliation in these relationships.

This kind of debrief focuses on an individual’s personal journey and timeline, evaluating facts, events and personal reactions and assessing how the individual has been affected.

Team Debrief

A Team Debrief is done with a team that has worked together for a particular purpose, for a certain time and at a certain place.

This kind of debrief can be either personal (focusing on personal reactions of the team to events) or organisational (focusing on strategic information related to the events and important to the organisation).

(Once you have booked your debrief, you can make donations or deposits here.)